Areas of Expertise | Digital Strategy

Today, marketers invest more resources into digital technologies to build up their marketing assets than they allocate into online advertising and search optimization. They embrace a broader set of opportunities to engage consumers to purchase, and build new capabilities to better leverage and integrate content development, applications, and social media into their marketing tool kits. Many of these opportunities require better integration across traditional silos which, to date, is generally difficult to achieve.

Our digital marketing service offering helps companies use a deeper understanding of online behavior to deliver truly relevant messages and product information. As a result, this focused insight creates greater customer advocacy and engagement in the context of a company’s overall strategy and marketing plan.

Read more on cg42’s expertise across the following functional areas:

  1. Consumer & Customer Insights

  2. Marketing Strategy

  3. Brand Strategy

  4. Portfolio Management

  5. Digital Strategy

  6. Marketing Effectiveness

  7. Marketing Organization

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